- cliques
- f pl. v.claque
Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif. 2014.
Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif. 2014.
cliques — [ klik ] n. f. pl. • 1866; région. cliques « jambes », d apr. les onomat. clic et clac ♦ Loc. fam. Prendre ses cliques et ses claques : s en aller en emportant ce que l on possède. ⊗ HOM. Clic, clique. ● cliques nom féminin pluriel (de clique)… … Encyclopédie Universelle
CLIQUES — n. f. pl. Nom par lequel on désigne des sabots de bois dans certaines provinces. On dit aussi CLAQUES. Fig. et fam., Prendre ses cliques et ses claques, S’en aller en emportant ce que l’on possède … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
cliques — n.f.pl. Prendre ses cliques et ses claques, s en aller … Dictionnaire du Français argotique et populaire
cliques — kliËk n. small exclusive group … English contemporary dictionary
CLIQUES — … Useful english dictionary
List of warlords and military cliques in the Warlord Era — The Warlord Era is the common term that refers to the time period of China beginning from 1916 to the mid 1930s, when the country was divided by various military cliques. Followed by the death of Yuan Shikai in 1916, and nominally ended in 1928… … Wikipedia
Prendre ses cliques et ses claques — ● Prendre ses cliques et ses claques partir à la hâte en emportant tout ce qu on a … Encyclopédie Universelle
Clique problem — The brute force algorithm finds a 4 clique in this 7 vertex graph (the complement of the 7 vertex path graph) by systematically checking all C(7,4)=35 4 vertex subgraphs for completeness. In computer science, the clique problem refers to any of… … Wikipedia
Clique (graph theory) — A graph with 23 1 vertex cliques (its vertices), 42 2 vertex cliques (its edges), 19 3 vertex cliques (the light blue triangles), and 2 4 vertex cliques (dark blue). Six of the edges and 11 of the triangles form maximal cliques. The two dark blue … Wikipedia
Maximal independent set — This article is about the combinatorial aspects of maximal independent sets of vertices in a graph. For other aspects of independent vertex sets in graph theory, see Independent set (graph theory). For other kinds of independent sets, see… … Wikipedia
Carnival of Basel — The Waggis, a traditional carnival costume in Basel The Carnival of Basel (German: Basler Fasnacht) is the biggest carnival in Switzerland and takes place annually between February and March in Basel. It has been listed as one of the top fifty… … Wikipedia